Saturday, December 22, 2012

Words of Wisdom

Never let an angry girlfriend

pack your parachute.


Images: Yahoo Images

Thursday, December 20, 2012


Classified Ad

Lost one job. Job was not that good but was there for most of my adult life. Job did not pay very well most of the time. Job was not fun much of the time and sometimes became Work. Job provided no chance of life advancement but kept teasing me with glimmers of Fulfillment . If Job is found please do not call me as I am not interested anymore. I am on the lookout for something else, something called Opportunity. If Opportunity is found and answers to the first name of Lucrative please call me. I am and have been waiting for Lucrative Opportunity to show up on my doorstep for many years now and look forward to its final arrival.


Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Marx (Hits the Spot)

Some Americans might be confused when they hear the name Marx Brothers. I am here to help clear up who the real Marx brothers are.

These are the famous movie Marx Brothers.

The two men below are the political Marx Brothers.

Any questions?


Images: Yahoo Images