Monday, September 3, 2012

All Together Separate

Why can't elections in America be about the candidates skills and abilities? I want a President that possesses the skills necessary to make America competitive and one that won't apologize for America's greatness when we do succeed. Over the last couple of decades the media and politicians have turned the political selection process into rich versus poor, the Hispanic and black voters for the Democrats, the evangelical base, gun owners and big business voters for the Republican party and everyone else is an Independent voter. 

Why must a candidate have to purposely target a gender, religious base, or a race to win the Presidency? The race must be about who can lead America the best for everyone. The race must be about who can provide American businesses with the best atmosphere for creating jobs. And the race must be about protecting our individual freedoms that separate the U.S.A. from the rest of the world. 

I know I get tired of hearing the same old garbage from both teams and the media about who is going to win the black vote, who is more in tune with the Hispanic voters, and which candidate will come out on top with women voters and this is why I have decided to throw my name in the ring. Not too many Americans know me now but once I introduce myself to you and you see my unusual background and I think that you will agree that I am the man for the job and not the two other guys.

Getting to Know Me

Click the arrow for my theme song
First my name is Leon Eggleston. I am a white guy with a first name that is traditionally black, I have a black nephew, I also once lived in a black frat house for one semester in college so I feel, for a white guy I could be in touch with the black voters more than the average white guy.
The Eggleston sir name can be traced to Ireland or Scotland. In my case we have a Scottish ancestry. This explains my desire to wear a kilt. Being a Scot should show people that I can relate to immigrants and that they should vote for me. Another thing about my family tree is that it is loaded with Jewish blood. When I looked at my family tree I thought I was looking at a New York City phone book and not my own family bloodline. I am a staunch supporter of Israel too. Shalom brothers. Jewish vote locked up.
I married a Mexican-American woman when I lived in Brownsville, Texas. I lived in Brownsville for seven years so I have a good feel for the Hispanic culture and what they believe is important.  I like jalapenos and flan. 
Great on pizza
My name Leon means lion in Spanish and who would go against a lion, only a fool. Hispanic vote locked in.
"Really, you are going to vote for him?"
I am married to a woman and not a man that should give me a good shot at getting the married women voters to turn my way since I support the traditional family unit. I am a conservative Bible believing man so the conservative evangelical voters in the Bible belt should back me since I think a lot like they do. 
I have a business degree and have run a few businesses in my day so business owners (who did or didn't build their own businesses feel free to vote for me because I understand your needs unlike Obama). 
Now that leaves two more categories the poor and gun owners. Last year I  made under $250,000 a year so I must be considered one of the poor brethren, rock on! I also believe women should be packing heat so if the occasion arises and they need to defend themselves against bad guys, the bad guys would pay dearly, NRA votes locked and loaded.
Danity and lady like
I forgot to mention that my great grandmother was a full blooded Blackfoot Indian. Being from indian descent makes me a person of color. More minorities can now feel comfortable voting for me.
As you can see I am the most well rounded non-candidate that you should vote for because of my unusual background I can relate to all of you except the following, liberals, white supremacist, and people who hate Chick-fil-A. 
Don't worry about my qualifications America, we will have to cross that bridge when we come to it after all I have to win the election first.
So remember in November it's not about issues nor is it about electing the most competent leader for our troubled land it is about voting for the guy that gives you a warm and fuzzy feeling. If I have given you that warm and fuzzy feeling feel after you have read my colorful background free to use my name as a write in candidate.
Now without rambling any longer here is a video that makes the point I am trying to convey. America should not be separated into white, black or Hispanic people. It is a rainbow of people that when they come together is stronger than an other nation on the face of this earth. Come November vote for the candidate that is most capable of bringing us back to our glory not the one who panders most to what you think you deserve. Freedom comes with responsibility.
Write in candidate for President
Images: Yahoo Images

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