Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Who's Looking For You?

Ever get that advertisement, "Someone is looking for"? Well I see that ad quite frequently when I open my e-mail. As I read the ad one day, I wondered what the top ten list of people, organizations, or groups that you do not want to have contact you would look like. Here is my list.

10) Your bookie
9) Date Line sting investigator
8) The draft board
7) Boba Fett collecting a debt

6) Vinnie the mob's enforcer
5) Zombies
4) Angry extraterrestrials

3) Darth Vader looking for the Death Star plans, which by the way were sown into your underwear
2) The IRS

1) Satan (although number one and number two were a toss up, Satan wins by a pitchfork)

The next time you see that ad, what ever you do, don't open it because it just might be someone on the list above looking for you. Here is a web site if you really want to know who might be looking for you: www.mylife.com

Leon, here's looking at you and not for you

Images: Yahoo Images

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