Monday, October 8, 2012

When Technology Fails

Sorry about not blogging for quite some time but my blogger was not working it would not allow me to upload videos or photos so I was on a hiatus until the blogger tech dudes got my stuff working again. Thank you tech dudes. 

Techno Nerds to the rescue, nerd up.

When technology fails it can be quite devastating, remember HAL in Space Odyssey? How about the stock market SNAFU of a couple of years ago or NBC's fall line up.

Doesn't look so evil, huh?

Hal from Malcolm in the Middle

So now that I am back up and running again. I will get back to the business of bugging Americans everywhere with gibberish and mayhem, gotta stick to what I do best. I feel like a super hero, just call me Blogman.

Leon "Blogman"

Images: Borrowed from Yahoo Images

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