Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fool Me Once I'm the Fool.......

The receipt of the wealthly man leaving the 1% tip was a hoax. I admit I was taken in by it too. It made me angry that someone affluent would treat someone underneath them with such disrespect.

This is an awesome example of why we should not be like the lemming.
For those of you that don't know what a lemming is click here:

This was a very deceptive prank but just image how many things we hear or read every day that are tainted with untruth. Some of our trusted media companies are doing the same thing but they call it news you can trust. (Didn't the devil tell Eve the same thing?) Don't be a dummy read the news from multiple sources so you can get different angles or not. (If you want to remain dumb by all means wear your underwear on your heads and pledge allegiance to your houseplants)

To see the real receipt click here:

Leon, "The Fooled Fool"

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