Friday, March 23, 2012

What if Bin Laden Could Do It All Over Again?

Bin Laden

"Hi, infidels. Here is my top 10 list of things I would have done differently if I could."

10 Things Bin Laden Should Have Done Differently

10. Invested in his own drone technology
9.   Had Michael Moore film a documentary about him (Bin Laden and Me)
8.   Visited Bush in Crawford, Texas but not go hunting with Dick Cheney
7.   Started guns for drugs program for Afghani youth
6.   He should have hid in Detroit because no one would want to look for anyone there
5.   Created a designer Turban and shoe company (Air Laden’s)
4.   Did a “Got terrorism?” commercial
3.   Started a heavy metal band to spread his message and go on tour with Ozzy
2.   Visited Disney World and rode the It’s a Small World ride to get a better world                 
1.   Branded the, “Death to America” slogan and put it on tee-shirts

Bin Laden at a GOP fund raiser for Bush's re-election campaign

Leon, "Bin Laden, no soup for you!"

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