Thursday, March 22, 2012

What Are They Saying?

Obama celebrating his own greatness. Mount Rushmore here he comes.

"I would like to propose a toast to me, the best dictator in the world. Now raise your glasses or I will raise your taxes."

Rod Blagojevich ex-governor and future inmate. 

"I still can't believe that I got caught. I didn't think the FBI was that smart. I just hope they have concierge service in prison, if not that's going to be a bummer."

Obama's answer to a child's question at read time.

"Yes Bobby it does form a Y. No, I am not sure why people voted for me in the first place. It must be my good looks and charm it surely can't be based on my record. Booby is your daddy a Republican?"

Hamid Karzai addressing the locals.

"Yes you, the opium farmer from Kanadhar. Don't forget who really supports you. I want my cut by next Tuesday."

 Obama in his new role.

"Not only am I a great dictator but I am an American hero, just ask me."


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