Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Doughnuts and Speeders Beware!

The new dual purpose radar gun and doughnut finder

Will technology never cease to amaze us? A small company has invented the newest piece of equipment for law enforcement officers. Radough gun. The Radough gun is a cross between a radar gun for speed detecting and a doughnut finder. This dual purpose gun is being tested in several states. One state official has stated that in preliminary testing the Radough gun has actually been shown to cut the cost of law enforcement by making it easier for it's officers to find Dunkin' Doughnuts in their precincts thus the police can be back on the street even quicker. 

I provided the link above for law enforcement just in case the Radough goes on the fritz.

"If elected for a second term I will make sure each home gets a dozen glazed doughnuts with my votes for doughnuts program. This will surely get the economy back on track."

Leon, a lover of innovation

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