Tuesday, April 10, 2012

I don't understand what all the fuss is about the tunnel. The North Koreans are just making a tunnel to South Korea so it will be easier for them to raid fast food restaurants. You laugh but KFC will make you do the darnedest things. Once you get those 11 herbs in spices in your mouth, your mouth craves them again and again. Here is the top ten things that KFC chicken will make you do if you are not careful.

10. Ruin your favorite shirt by spilling gravy on it.

9.  Start dressing like the Colonel.

8.  Sing sweet “Home Alabama” in honor of the Colonel and his chicken empire while saluting the KFC flag.

7.  Add twenty pounds to your back side.

6. Fail your cholesterol screening.
5. Admit that the south did rise again and the best chicken comes from Dixie sorry Yankee cooks.

4. Quit your job and learn to drive trucks so you can visit every in KFC establishment in the contiguous states before you die. I provided the link if you plan the road trip it has a store locator.


3. Buy the building where Colonel Sander’s invented his secret recipe.

2. Get triple by pass surgery.

1. Start a nuclear weapons program so negotiations can begin about securing your own KFC franchise in the capital of your communist country.

Some guys will do anything for those 11 herbs and spices.

"I can see KFC just over that hill men! Drumsticks for everyone."


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