Tuesday, April 3, 2012

What Ya Talkin about Willis?

Rick Santorum casts for votes

                                             "Come on momma needs some more delegates."

Sarah Palin

"I told you so. I knew Obama would be a dictator. You guys could have voted for me and you all would have a gun in your cabinets and moose on the table."

                                            Joe Bidden praying

"Oh God, please give me a brain. Oh yeah and a mouth that works with the brain. You know like what you did for the Scarecrow, he is such a good thinker."

France's leader, Nicholas Sarkozy singing to the people. If you can't lead them effectively why not entertain them.

"The wheels on the bus go round and round. The wheels on the bus go round and round."

Until the next session,


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