Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Bumblberg Part II, Sermon from His Mount

“Soothing words are nice, but maybe it’s time that the two people who want to be president of the United States stand up and tell us what they are going to do about (gun violence) because this is obviously a problem across the country,” Bloomberg said.

Mayor Bumbleberg, "Not in my city buddy"

Then late last week he suggests police officers go on strike until additional laws are passed. (Wow! What a great idea, a holiday for criminals. Great leadership!)  He backed off that statement but has continued to press the presidential candidates and others in Washington to make changes. (Why doesn't he just go away and run his news agency. Stick to something you do well, spin news.)

The Modern Day Godfather, "The Rahminator" Rahm Emanuel

Are America's Mayors going mad? First Bumbleberg makes war on soda, demands strong arm tactics to gun control then he tells the police to go on strike.  Does that sound like sound leadership?

The Godfather in Chicago tells Chick-fil-A a well respected business( jobs producer) that they are not welcome in his city because of their stance on gay marriage and for not working on Sunday (Spoken like a true gangsta). So if your belief system is different than the Godfather's don't go to Chicago because you are not welcome. 

Well Chick-fil-A come to Three Rivers, MI because I like your chicken. Three Rivers would welcome you with two lips and an open mouth and I really doubt anyone would protest your company because of your stance on gay marriage.

I applaud your stance against working on Sunday and for standing up for the freedom of speech. The freedom of speech is for everyone not just people who support gay marriage. If you don't like Chick-fil-A's stance on gay marriage then don't do business there, it is that simple.

America we have to do better than this. We must elect better politicians or there won't be an America left for the next generation.


Images: Yahoo Images

P.S. Save a cow eat a chicken unless you hate cows then eat them by all means and save a chicken.

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