Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Question of the Day

Ever had a thought that won't go away? Ever have a desire to have a burning question answered? Well I have been pondering something for a couple of days and I thought I would do some research. I must have an answer to my question. Did the White House ever have an outhouse?

After several searches on the web I could not find the answer. But I did learn that the building has had several issues with plumbing since it was erected. The White House has a long history of plumbing issues since the cornerstone was laid in 1792.

Plumbing issues that have plagued the White House:

1800 - No plumbing at all.

1829 - Water first piped into the White House. Before this date it was brought by hand to the building.

1833- The White House had to have it's water pumped in by hand attendants to provide pressure for the system. The water source was a bubbling spring, just like Perrier, how special. 

1882- Septic system installed.

1902- Plumbing had to be removed to make a more spacious   passageway on the first floor.

1927- The President's bathtub began to fall through the floor.

1948-1952- The building was in a state of disrepair. High on the list was the plumbing.

Now Americans not all is doom and gloom for the White House  because the modern plumbing pipes are of the highest quality red brass standard.


Interesting enough no one wants to mention if the White House ever had an outhouse. Maybe we are just too plain proud. I found a photo of what the royal outhouse might have looked like.  

Small enough to get the job done, big enough to accommodate several important guest at one time, with a dignified look as to not look gaudy next to the Presidential mansion.

With the amount of political doo doo coming from the White House these days I hope that the modern America has a septic system big enough to absorb all of the waste.


Flushing the future: The Federal Government

Images: Yahoo Images

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