Monday, July 9, 2012

Rulings Have Consequences Too

Recently Supreme Court Judge John Roberts made a remarkable comment on the court's decision to up hold Obama Care. Chief Justice John Roberts said “It is not our job to protect the people from the consequences of their political choices." That's true, however it is your job to interpret the law correctly. Is Obama Care a mandate or a tax or is it more like a Peanut Butter Cup, both? 
Maybe it is a peanut butter mandate wrapped in a chocolate tax. First the question should have been asked by the Supreme Court on how the current administration planned on defending Obama Care. First is was a mandate then it was a tax. Were they going to defend it as a mandate (peanut butter) or a tax (chocolate). Not one judge should have voted until that was settled first. I don't believe anyone even thought this thing out until the Court's decision was made.

I think judge Roberts got confused at were he was and what he was supposed to be doing. Maybe he had watched too many episodes of Catdog. Let's help him out shall we? I will show you what Obama Care really is.

Let's take the two words and come up with the real meaning here. Mandate and tax. Since the government can't mandate us to buy a product except Social Security (a retirement plan and a tax) and Medicare ( A health care plan and a tax) through payroll (mandated) deductions then let's cut that word in half and use the first part "man" in our new word. We will eliminate the word date since 50% of us don't like the other 50%, it wouldn't be a good date it would end before desert. Now let's combine the last word tax to man to form the new meaning of Obama Care. The new word is Man-tax. Simple and to the point. Now the President can have his cake and eat it too something Marie Antoinette couldn't do because she didn't have the head to eat with after the French Revolution.

Thanks again Supreme Court for taking more of our personal property away. Now don't try and tell me that money isn't personal property because it is. Nothing is more personal to people than their money.

Oh by the way Judge Roberts bad legislation and bad judicial decisions have consequences too, they are called revolutions.


Images: Yahoo Images

Bad Government Policy: Reid, Pelosi, and Obama

Lack of clear judgement: The Supreme Court (Polit Bureau)

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I am not in right now but if you leave a comment I just might respond.