Thursday, July 19, 2012

I Didn't Blog This

I am here to deny that I blogged what you are about to read, some else is responsible for this edition. I am not sure who did this blog but it can't possibly be me. If the President said you didn't build your own business than there is no way I wrote this blog. Hear it with your own ears: Warning Socialistic ideas can hurt your ears.

The Great Orator
Now I think it is time to investigate the facts and find out who really is responsible for your success. I have rounded up some suspects in an attempt to determine who really is responsible for your success. The Tooth Fairy, yes the Tooth Fairy. If the Tooth Fairy didn't give you that first dollar you would not have had the start up capital to start your business. Santa Claus is a likely suspect too. Remember when you got that Lego building block set for Christmas from the Big Guy and built your first castle? You wouldn't have developed an interest in construction with out the help of Santa. Aliens could have helped you become what you are today. Do you remember when you were abducted and had those brain implants installed? Those implants gave you the intellect to start up your own operation. Of course you don't remember because the aliens don't want you to remember and that is why they erased your memory of the operation. Without the aliens help you would be living in a van down by the river.

And lastly you might be successful because of Jedi mind tricks. Yes at a young age you were approached by a Jedi who will remain nameless. He told you, "You will be successful now, go start your business finger painting with pudding."

So I guess the President was right. There is always someone else to give credit to for the actions that you take in your life. It's kinda of like the national debt that you and I ran up to $15 trillion. It wasn't congress and a pen happy set of Presidents (Bush and Obama), it was you and I that made this happen, good job America.

No one wrote this blog

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