Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Report the News, Don't Invent the News


First let me say I am sorry to the victims and their families in the latest round on needless shootings in Colorado. Second let me say I have had enough of the media circus covering this story.

Every time there is a tragedy in this country involving gun fire the media has to turn this into an attack on gun ownership instead of just reporting the news. I am here to set the record straight about murder in America. We don't have a problem with guns in America, what we have is a problem with each other. We just don't get along. Yes handguns are the first choice of killers but if you look closely at the list below 4,490 out of 13,636 or 32.9 % of all murders in 2009 in America were from causes other than guns.

CNN has done a disservice to the American public with it's reporting once again by using this tragedy to influence the anti-gun movement via Piers Morgan's show by interviewing Michael Moore. What business does Michael Moore have telling us who can own guns, how much ammo we can buy, etc. It is none of his business. What made him such an expert? 

Here is a valid question for the anti-gun CNN executives and Piers, What if the other citizens in that theatre were allowed to have concealed weapons permits and were packing that night? Here is my answer, Maybe the shooter might not have killed so many people. Maybe he would have been shot dead shortly after his weapon was first discharged.

What it seems like is the liberal media want to use every opportunity (tragedy) to help evil politicians take away the gun ownership rights from you and I. Rights that are protected under the U.S. Constitution. Great idea, take away the right for us to defend ourselves so we can end up like Mexico. I will remind you the reader that an armed populace keeps evil men from doing greater evils.

Below is data from the FBI on murder statistics in America from 2005-2009. Take a good look at how people are killed in America and ask your self one question. Are guns the real problem or are there deeper social issues at work here? Don't be like CNN look at the whole picture.

Expanded Homicide Data Table 8
Murder Victims
by Weapon, 2005–2009
Total firearms:10,15810,22510,1299,5289,146
Other guns1381071168194
Firearms, type not stated1,4881,3541,7051,8251,834
Knives or cutting instruments1,9201,8301,8171,8881,825
Blunt objects (clubs, hammers, etc.)608618647603611
Personal weapons (hands, fists, feet, etc.)1905841869875801
Other weapons or weapons not stated9581,1401,005999895
1 Pushed is included in personal weapons.

If you study this chart long enough you will see a downward trend in gun murders while the other categories have seemed to level off. Why isn't this being reported?
Full data:


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