Monday, July 2, 2012

Mirror, Mirror On the Wall....

Is the U.S likely to fall?

If we continue to allow politicians to take us down the path of socialism, yes! Take a look at Greece.

The Athens Chamber of Commerce's study reveals that 68,000 Greek businesses closed over the past 17 months and it expects a further 36,000 to close in the next 12 months. It foresees the economy will shrink a further 7.8 per cent this year – worse than the 6 to 6.5 per cent decline forecast by most economists.


How could this happen? Greece turned from its roots of democracy and adpoted socialism that's how. And now the Supreme Court has helped us down the same path. Out of the Greece and into the fire.

Ever wonder why the Soviet Union had a hammer and sickle on their flag? Maybe the hammer was for beating the will out of its people and the sickle was for stealing their wealth both material and intellectual.

Pretty, huh comrade?

Wake up America before we become Amerika. We have been chasing socialism since FDR's miserable New Deal was intiated.

Each decade since the sixites and the war on poverty that President Johnson started America has become less and less competitive.

Look at the industries that left the country, look at the educational system failures, and look at the immoral politicans that we keep electing.

Oh yes, he did!

Don't foget to say the pledge of allegiance to our nation's new flag.

Leon, not Trotsky

Images: Yahoo Images

Higher taxes and less freedom: Obama, Reid, and Pelosi

Think free, be free, live free

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