Sunday, September 9, 2012

How Cute For the Kids

Rahm on Casino: "I Want it For Our Kids"

Chicago mayor confident state and city can work out issues

Mayor wants to direct casino revenue toward education, Quinn has until Tuesday to act on gambling bill.

(Of course the following thoughts are mine) I can see it now the first only casino for kids. I hope they have an adult day care center so when the kids are playing Texas hold'em to sharpen up their math skills the parents don't get in trouble. The casino should be built with a play land for the adults with a full bar, masseuse, and a cigar shop. 
Ain't it great when adults put the children first. When the children are first everyone seems to win. Well how can we call Rahm the Godfather of Chicago if they don't have a few casinos.
Hey, the revenues from the casino are to be used for educational purposes (wink, wink) and not for the city's coffers.
Public announcement time: If you have a gambling problem seek help because Vinnie is only going to wait so long before he busts your knee cap for not paying your debts.

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