Sunday, September 16, 2012

I Approve This Message

Don't you think it is quite dumb for political ads to mention the fact that the candidate sponsoring the ad approves it. If you didn't approve it why would you publish it in the first place? Well I think it is dumb but I do understand the premise behind the statement, "I approve this message" it has to do with the Stand By Your Ad Provision enacted in 2002.

Click here for more info:

I still think it is funny for candidate to make an ad and still have to say,  "I approve this message". What happens when the candidate doesn't quite like the ad that has been approved but is under time constraints to release the add in a heated election contest? What if there is a SNAFU with the ad? And what if politicians were honest? The ad might go something like this. View the video below first.

This ad should go something more like this. I am Barrack Obama and I approve this message except the part about the deficit since I and my cohorts added $4 trillion dollars to our nation's debt without any notable change in the jobs market. (America did get something for all of that debt, a lower Moody's credit rating).
"Thanks for doing the right thing guys."
Now if you are a millionaire and want to contribute to my campaign finances just ignore that part about making the wealthy pay more. I really am not going to tax you to the dark ages (wink, wink).
The dark rider, "Taxes"
I also don't approve the military cuts part of my message if you are a voter in the armed services since many of you service people will lose your jobs. Don't worry about our nation's battle readiness being impaired since the world is much safer after the Arab Spring. That embassy burning in Libya was a fraternity party gone wrong. Look at the bright side that old building and needed some remodeling. Hey, haters gonna hate.
"A fresh coat of paint should do the trick, huh Libya? Anyone one for sending more U.S. tax dollars to Libya?"
Another thing I can't support is a cut to the deficit since it is better to give than receive, by taking from you (tax payers) and giving it to people that are not you (non-tax payers), I get a warm and fuzzy (Socialist) feeling inside my Red heart.
So the next time you see a political ad and the candidate says that they support that ad analyze it very carefully. Remember to keep the weeds from your garden you have to get their roots.
I am Leon and I approve this blog, or maybe I don't
Images: Yahoo Images

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