Tuesday, February 28, 2012

1% Brain Usage = 99% Chance of Stupidity

Apparently a wealthy but not overly bright banker decided to show the 99% (That's you and I) that your brain does not have to work in order for you to receieve a large salary. ( I didn't get any TARP money did you guys? I also didn't make millions of bad loans for a huge bonus either) The smarter than us guy decided to add insult to injury by writing "Get a real job" on the receipt. Real classy! J.P. Morgan then left a 1% tip on a $133.54 lunch bill.

$1.33 tip See the real story below.


I guess he really showed the waitress who the boss was. Hey banker, why don't you get a real job and stop stealing from widows and working guys for a paycheck.  Hey buddy, you probably couldn't do the waitress' job even if you were given the opportunity. Maybe you should get an eye patch and learn to say arrrgghhhh! Pirate!

Now before anyone goes into the class warfare and the rich versus the poor nonsense let me be perfectly clear on this matter. This is not a story about rich versus poor. It is the story of stupid versus rational intellect and ego versus humility. That banker should be ashamed of himself. He would be if I was on the board of directors of the bank that he worked for because I would fire him or force him to clean the toilets for a week.

Maybe we should find out who this guy is and boycott the bank that he works for until he either goes and works the waitress' job for one week or gets fired. I personally want to see him forced to work at the eating establishment where he stiffed the lady for a week on her wages and no tips.

Leon, a 99% kinda of guy 

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