Monday, February 6, 2012

And the Real Maverick Is?

John McCain

When Sarah Palin ran with Mr. Maverick (John McCain) in 2008 I didn't like it. McCain claims to be a maverick but his voting record shows otherwise. McCain (I hope you're not a Scot, cause ifin you ur you have bin embarassin yur clan) the only kinda of maverick I would compare you to is a 1976 Ford Maverick.

Ford Maverick                                                             Fighter pilot McCain

Boring and boxy at best.  A maverick is the one who leads the charge even if it is to certain doom. Any one wonder why Ford Motor Company was almost bankrupt in the late 70's? Just look at that beast, ugly. McCain maybe you were comparing yourself to the Mel Gibson character Maverick. (He might mean he gambles with his votes or maybe when the C-Span cameras are turned off the politicians play Texas Hold 'em, I'm just not sure) I do respect your military service and the fact that you were a POW and for that I believe you should be honored ( I salute you) but as a politician you should step it up a little bit like your ex buddy, Sarah Palin has lately.

Now Sarah could teach you a few lessons in Maverickism. Check this out below:

Sarah spoke out against the article that Andrew Sullivan wrote entitled, "Why Are Obama's Critics So Dumb?" Well I will let you the reader decide if the article is worthy to read or not, however I will ask a tough question for the so called free press people here, "Why are journalist so dumb when they write about Obama?" (Did he threaten to take your pen and pad away?)

            Mel as Maverick

Sarah Palin

America, who can't like a woman that talks tough (Not like a sailor though), can kill, gut, and cook a moose? I am not endorsing her, but boy is she a fun politician (Feisty!). Remember to exercise your right to vote in November and for you people in Chicago I say, "Vote early and vote often" the rest of you just vote once like you are supposed to. (If you live in Chicago you know what I mean, wink, wink)

Images by : Yahoo Images


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