Thursday, February 23, 2012

10 Things Obama Can Do to Improve His Image with America

I like how news outlets try and help a President's image out. Below is an article telling Obama to be more like Clinton. America hide your daughters! Well being the guy that I am I would like to help out El Presidente (Senior Dictator) too. Below is 10 things that I think America would like our President to do. Please do these things and leave the politics to someone that is qualified.

1) Participate in a rodeo as a rodeo clown
2) Do the Simpson's show
3) Go on Full Metal Jousting show
4) DJ at the White House (With Snoop of course)
5) Enter a hog dog eating contest (Shouldn't be that hard eating all that pork. He should be used to pork living in D.C.)
6) Spend a week on the Jersey Shore show
7) Learn to belch the alphabet (Then do it on C-Span)
8) Go on tour with Kiss ( He can sing lead with Gene Simmons)
9) Teach Joe Bidden how to read (This should take a whole term to accomplish)
10) Sing on American Idol

After doing the above 10 things I am sure his ratings will be higher than ever and if not we can always shoot him from a cannon at Ringling Brothers.

Concerned Citizen Leon

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