Friday, February 3, 2012

We Could Use a Guy Like That

A lot of people don’t like Russia’s Vladimir Putin because of his brash behavior. I kinda find him refreshing. I like political figures with gumption. He also has a cool name. (Sort of Dracula like, say it with me Vladimir, make sure to emphasize Vlad and say it with an accent) I wish he was running for President in our country. I wonder if we could trade the Ruskies a couple of Democrats and Republicans for Putin, probably not. I think the only thing any one would trade for those guys is a old Desoto and an autographed picture of Gomer Pyle. (Maybe the Cubans would be interested?)

Gomer Pyle                                                                           Desoto

What’s there not to like about leader with a black belt and who is not afraid to use it once in a while. I don’t share his views of shutting down the press because he believes that the press should be controlled by the state. (Death before state controlled press) Men were born to be free thinkers Mr. Putin. We have a God given right to say anything that we want to. No man or state should stop another man from exercising this right. Without opposing view points progress never happens. (Anyone recall the Dark Ages?) Why do you think the Japanese use quality circle so much? (They tap each others brains)

Hey Vlady, in martial arts you learn to take punches just the same as you give them, politics are no different buddy.  Use the irritant to make a pearl. Sometimes you are to tense, learn how to relax a little bit, what I recommend to you is get some Chuck Norris movies and a pizza, sit down one Saturday night a month with your ole KGB buddies and reminisce of the Old Iron curtain days, but please don't bring them back.

       Chuck Norris                                     Putin                                                                           KGB

Click here to see Vlad in action (He sort of acts like what Dirty Harry would act like if he were President):

Go ahead Vlad, free that press!

Leon "Not Trotsky"

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