Wednesday, May 2, 2012

10 Things That Infidels Didn't Know About Me

The U.S. got Bin Laden one year ago today. Here were a few things Bin Laden wanted released if he were ever killed or abducted by aliens. I guess we don't have to worry about the later.

Osama Bin Laden

10. I didn't come up with the "Death to America" slogan it was my second cousin since removed Hakim.

9. I was a Detroit Lions fan. I liked the underdog.

8. I voted for Bush.

7. al-Qaida was not the first choice for the name of my terrorist organization but Bin Laden's Den of Death Dealers was too long.

6. Heavy Metal drove me to become a terrorist.

5.  I don't believe in the right to work terrorist states.

4. I really enjoyed David Letterman's skits about me. I had all of them recorded on DVD.

3. I never learned how to make a suicide vest.

2. I could never spell Palestine so we came up with PLO for short.

1. I knew where Jimmy Hoffa is buried.

Don't know who Hoffa is click here to learn about him:


Images: Yahoo News

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