Thursday, May 3, 2012

To Engage Or Not To Engage, This Is The Question

How many of you have ever been disengaged at work before?  You feel like the company could care less about you, your life, your dreams, hopes, or your talents that make you, you. I feel your pain, I have been there many times over. Take a look at the two stormtroopers below do they look engaged to you? Do you think that the Empire is being served well by these two? Let's take a look at the conversation they are having, shall we? Jar Jar Binks has graciously decided to help me out.



TC-1255: "Hey isn't that Luke Skywalker TC-1254?  TC-1254: "Looks like him." TC-1255: "Well are you going to shoot him?" TC-1254: "Nope." TC-1255: "Why not?" TC-1254: "What's in it for me? The Emperor gets to rule the galaxy and live it up in his penthouse in the Death Star listening to Lady Gaga all day. Vader gets all his health care paid for by the Empire, he also gets to go on golf outings with Boba Fett and what do we get, more patrol duty. Has Vader ever said thank you for your service, no, it's always I want those rebels dead. The boss never listens. How many times have we told the ole blockhead that these new SE-14r blasters miss fire on a regular basis? I told him maybe five or six times, TC-1279 complained too. Remember him? He is the guy that lost his hand because his blaster exploded. Have you ever seen what a Jedi can do with a light saber it's like watching a Japanese chef make sushi? Without a good blaster you will end up being the sushi. If Vader wants Skywalker, I say let him get him, himself. I heard rumors that Luke is Vader's son, he will probably get captured and then promoted and we will end up working for another guy without any dark side experience, give me a break." TC-1255: "Never thought of it that way. You're right, let him go. Wanna go downstairs and get some coffee?" TC-1254: "Sure."

Boss man, listens to your employees, whosa knows the job better dan dem. Stop blowing dems off cause you has to works to solve theirs problems. Da quality of works suffers when employees aren't engaged.  When you acknowledge theirs problems it makes dem feel likes theys belongs and are important.


Another group of disengaged workers. Employees must feel like their jobs are important. "Really, you want us to perform Flash Dance again? Somebody get the water. I can see why they call you the Dark Lord. This is just plain evil. Hit it boys."

Hey nasty boss man, stop makings cookie cutter employees. Find out da skills of the peoples who works for you. Ask questions about theirs interests and hobbies, ask about theirs goals both personals and works related. Promote the most qualified, like me.


TC-1967: "I am so glad Vader listened to us and fixed the sights on SE-14rs I feel like I could kill a 100 Jedis with this little baby. TC-1299: "Yeah and the quality circles and brainstorming sessions that we have been having make feel like I am not just another clone, I am somebody important!" TC-1254: "First one to kill a Jedi gets a candy bar. Vader your the best!"

Boss man shares de rewards with da peoples that help builds your empire. No war is ever wons without highly trained and motivated employees. A chains is only as strong as it's weakest links. Don't expect the Naboos to do everything for yuse.

Thanks Jar Jar, bosses it looks like you got a lot of homework to do. The first step is listen, God gave everyone two ears and one mouth. I am pretty sure he wanted us to use the ears more than the mouth.

Images: Yahoo images and Wookieepedia

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