Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Smoke 'em if You Got 'em

Pat Robertson chimed in on the debate to legalize pot a while a ago. Pat got my attention now I need to blog. 

Pat Robertson


I do agree with some parts of the argument but others I don't but it is an interesting topic to discuss. You guys know me I jump in feet first so here we go.

 I don't think we should be giving hard time (any time) to users of the product, many of them were sucked in by pushers. I do think that dealers should be dealt with harshly though.  Dealers are parasites that prey on people for money, they don't care who they hurt to make that dollar. I saw first hand what the drug trade does to people when I lived in Brownsville, Texas. It was not uncommon to see a body floating in the Rio Grande or for law enforcement to find bodies in the brush near the border. People get killed because Americans like to get high. I even knew a man that killed another man because of the drug trade. 

"Say hello to my little friend!"

I have used pot in the past so I am guilty too. I was also known to be able to put down a few beers too. As I have grown older I have found out that I like having my mind clear at all times. You have read my articles and believe it or not this stuff is written with a straight mind albeit slanted just a little. I know many of you doubt that, but it is true. If you use drugs that is your choice and I will not judge you for it, it is not my place to do so. How I write is based on the feelings that the subjects have had on my life.  I just wanted to comment on the subject cause that is what I do, right or wrong.


Fast Times at Ridgemont High

I do believe that marijuana has it's place for medical use but I don't like drugs being used for recreational purposes because many people can't handle them. Just look at all the damage done by people who can't handle alcohol. I have seen too many lives ruined by drug use.

Even if you legalize drugs for recreational use there will still be crime associated with it's usage. Some people will not be able to afford their drug habit and will steal things to get the money to pay for their product. I have seen that too.

One more thing to think about if we legalize pot Hollywood won't be able to make funny movies about the subject anymore. When was the last time you saw a funny movie about oxycontin? Oxycontin is legal and not very funny.

 Cheech and Chong in action


Images: Yahoo Images

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