Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Yoda Lives On

Star Wars nerds, remember in Return of the Jedi that it appeared that Yoda died. I fell for it too. Well I have just found out that it was all a lie.
Yoda was put into a witness protection plan in our galaxy. The protection plan included plastic surgery to hide his true identity.

Here is Yoda with his new wife. Please don't ask me how the doctors got the green out of his skin. That would be like asking why was Michael Jackson turning white. Some things are not ment to be understood just accepted.

Yoda, "Jedi you are not looking for, I am not."

It really is Yoda, I know for a moment I thought it was Mr. Miyagi, nope it is Yoda.

Leon, Wax on, Wax off and don't forget the chrome.

Images: Yahoo Images

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