Monday, December 19, 2011

Another One Bites the Dust

Have you noticed in the last six or seven years that the world's dictators are falling one by one. First Saddam Hussein December 30th, 2006. Moammar Gadhafi this year on October 20th, 2011 and now Kim Jong-il on the 17th of this month.

It's like an end to an era gone by. Thank God it's over! I don't think any of these men would have the right to complain about the lifestyle they had since they did as they pleased when they ruled with their iron hands. It just goes to show things run in cycles and history tends to repeat itself. Remember Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini?

Here is how the cycle begins. Boy gets picked on growing up because of bad hair cut. Boy gets angry and vows to take over the nation once he grows up to deal with mean people. Boy takes over the nation decides to make war with his neighbors. The same neighbors that refuse to accept him as the oriental version of Clint Eastwood. Boy gets angry again and builds a nuclear missile program to take vengeance on imperialistic nation that made Clinton Eastwood famous and not boy. Boy dies with unfilled dream of staring in his own version of Rawhide and the world exhales until the next fruit cake takes his place and the circle goes on.

Food for thought unless you live in North Korea then food is just a thought. Hopeful the boy on right with a good haircut will be much nicer to his people and the world.

Any dictator wannabes out there? Let's hear your story.

 (L-R) North Korean leader Kim Jong Il (REUTERS/KCNA/Files), son Kim Jong Un (Reuters/Petar Kujundzic)


Images: Yahoo Images

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