Thursday, December 22, 2011

Toilets, Regulations, and Capitalism

Gary, a good conservative guy that I work with told my to read this great article about capitalism in the on-line version of the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). So I did and you should too. Especially if you are tired of the direction that America is taking today. It was written by Jeb Bush. Awesome article my friends. This article is a must read.

I am sorry, some of you probably don't know what capitalism is since the new guy took over in Washington. So I will explain what it is and what it ain't (I just love that word, it drives English majors nuts!). What capitalism is according to The American Heritage College dic-tion-ary: An economic system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.

Wow! Quite a definition huh? First of all most of you had to be thinking, "I can't believe that Leon even owns a dictionary, let alone read one".  Well I own several of them. Three of them are setting on my desk not to far from my "Groo the Wanderer" comic books. A guy has to have standards right? Sorry got off track.

Groo: Death & Taxes #4 is the last Groo comic published!

Now for Leon's version of capitalism in easy to understand terms just in case an elected official is reading this. Deep in Appalachia there is a Boy with a dream of owning his own business. The Boy builds stills (for ethanol production of course).

  This is "Popcorn" a real American entrepreneur

The Boy is good at building stills.  A Buyer likes the Boy's still (I am not sure that the buyer is going to use this for a legal purpose though). The Buyer pays the Boy to build him a still. Cash is exchanged for the product when it is delivered. The Boy is happy that someone is willing to pay for his expertise. The Boy gets an idea maybe other Buyers would like stills too (very possible in the hills). Good Ole Boy's Still Company is born.

The first Buyer expands his business deep in the heart of Appalachia in a secluded forest off the beaten path. The Buyer has noticed his business is growing too and he needs more stills so he comes back to the Boy to buy more stills. This creates many jobs in manufacturing, trucking, and even law enforcement. It's good for the economy. No government regulation except the law enforcement part. True capitalism is working here folks. 

Watch out Popcorn!

Both the Buyer and the Boy took risk and each is getting rewarded for their efforts. It is as simple as risk and reward. Why shouldn't you be able to provide for your own welfare free of too much government regulation to your own benefit or demise? By the way I am not promoting illegal activities, that was just a creative illustration. I don't even drink.

Here is a real example of what I mean. This is a great story and a great product. I recommend this product. It is called the Total Toilet Repair Kit with Dual Flush Converter by HydroRight. One day when the wife and I were strolling through the isles of the local Home Depot, she not me spotted a unique product that could save us money. It was the Toilet Repair Kit. We had been experiencing a problem with our toilet for awhile and it needed some repair. If you didn't jiggle the handle after each use the toilet would keep running water (waste not want not). The wife would lecture me about the water bill every two months. Finally I said enough is enough. I was determined to buy and install this device and save my good name and bring peace to the universe again. Also by fixing the toilet it could help Vicky save her voice for more important lectures that I occasionally need.

The device works awesome. This device is a result of how capitalism works. It did not have to be regulated by some politician that doesn't even know how a toilet works in the first place.  A problem was solved and the solver reaps the reward of income. I can see it now somewhere in the heartland of America there was an engineer. An engineer whose wife was also concerned about her running toilet, "Harry can't you do something about that toilet, you are an engineer, right?" Harry wanting to save water (read between the lines men) was going to solve this problem. Monday morning he looks at the traditional design of the toilet guts and says out loud, "She will never bug me again about that toilet!" Suddenly he realizes that he is in the office and slowly sits back down in his office chair. His co-workers don't even bother to ask since Harry experiences outburst on a regular basis. He presents the idea to his boss. His boss says you are a genius and the production of the HydroRight begins and Americans all over the country stop flushing millions of dollars down the drain each year. Harry is a hero and gets a raise.
Looks hard to install but it is not men. I know that we don't like to read directions so I recommend that either you have a child or your wife read the instructions and you do the installation. Call it creating family memories.

If you are tired of your leaky toilet. Do something about it, check out the website, buy it, install it, and make capitalism work here in America. Of course this product is manufactured in China but think about the truckers that have to transport this item, the sales people that have to tell you what isle it is in, and the store security that make sure you pay for it instead of stealing it. That's three jobs right there. You're one flush away from creating an American job. Something congress couldn't do if they flushed with both hands.

This product can be purchased at most major home improvement stores or by clicking the link provided. By the way I am not a paid spokesman for the company, yet!


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I am not in right now but if you leave a comment I just might respond.