Thursday, December 15, 2011


Dear readers,

I am Leon and this  is the first time I have ever done anything like this. Be nice or I will have my high tech friends find out where you live and I will paint your house tidy bowl blue.

Tell me about your job that you love to hate. Please no cussing. The reason I ask for no cussing is because there maybe be child laborers out there that could be reading this blog on their once a month break from making your designer clothing in a sweat shop, America. Children if you are reading this get back to work!  I really don't want to make the factory owners mad this close to Christmas. If the factories can't complete their orders on time the true readers of this blog won't have anything to open come Christmas day.  "Buffy and Biffy won't like that at all Precious will they? Not at all". The lack of orders will put a further drag on the U.S. economy and this will also give Obama another excuse for not getting folks to work.

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