Wednesday, December 21, 2011

I Wanna Go Where Sombody Knows My Name

Recently I found a receipt in my coat pocket from Pizza Hut. Your probably asking, "What is the big deal?" Well I am going to tell you what the big deal is, just hold on. Well I have been eating at Pizza Hut for many, many years as my back side can atest to.

Faithfully, over the years whenever I placed a takeout order at the desk the cashier would ask me my name, I would give them my name and they would put my name down on the receipt.They kinda of personalized the order. Maybe they do that incase of duplicate orders.

Well It never mattered to me until that night on December 9th, 2011 (another day of infamy) when the manager of all people didn't ask me my name. He took my order and took my money but didn't bother to ask my name. I waited, maybe he forgot. No he didn't forget he assigned me a new name. He looked at me and said, "I put Jean Coat down as your name."

Why did he do that? He messed up the system that I and the corporate office had used for all these years and might I say successfully used. He decided on a whim not to use my real name. How dare he! Maybe he thought that I wasn't going to tell him my real name. I would have showed him ID if he had bothered to ask me to prove who I was, but he didn't.

I didn't like this new business arrangment.  I was quite fond of the old arrangment becasue it felt like an old shoe, warm and comfortable. He might as well put old, over wieght, white guy on the receipt. I felt betrayed another let down from corporate America. I was no longer the valued customer Leon, now I was Jean Coat.

Well this bothers me. Corporate America has forgotten that we are people not just dollar signs or numbers. So I plan to teach them a lesson. I looked at their logo and said, "What does it remind me of? A fedora hat. The kind that the Spy vs. Spy guys used to wear.

So after looking hard at their logo I figured I would come up with a new name for them and see how they like it.

I am going to call them Red Fedora from now on. If you notice the logo to the left that sure looks like a fedora to me over the words I won't say. Not only that but I am going to make them address me as Wing Man when I visit them from now on. Just a warning to you executives if you change your name to Red Fedora I better get some royalties from it or else I will taunt you again.

P.S. I would appreciate it very much if you would inform me about new changes at the new Red Fedora before they go public so I can either approve or disapprove them. I don't wanna go through this again. Show the good folks at you now where that we still care. Have a pizza and tell them, Leon sent ya!

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