Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Right to Bear Arms

The Bill of Rights is a part of the Second Amendment to the United States Constitution and was adopted December 15th, 1791 it says, A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. America, there are a lot of Un-American people out there and some of them are called leaders. These people want to take your rights away from you particularly this right. May I remind you that if government takes one right away from us it surely will try to take all of them from us.

You may not hunt or fish, you might hug trees, or worship in a druid circle and howl at the moon in your birthday suit (Please no photos!) but those of you that want to make owning a gun illegal, think about the consequences first. If you take away my God given right to "Bear Arms" maybe I won't care when they take your property away from you through the use of  eminent domain. You scratch my back and I will scratch yours. Together we stand, divided we fall (someone please play a fife at this part).

The other reason to keep firearms legal is to prevent this (see image below) from happening again.

Image Detail

If moose are the only ones allowed to own guns in America then I expect to see this on a daily basis. Just imagine the chaos! A moose is a challenge to handle even when you are on the right side of the gun. Think about it America! Drunken hunter moose on the loose. According to what I read about the three pictured moose above they caused 16 accidents on their drunken rampage before they were arrested.

Vote right America and keep your rights,


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