Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Can't Believe Everything You Read

One day I went to Culver's cause I had a hankering for some fish. When the server brought me my order the label on the tartar sauce caught my eye.

At first when I glanced over the tartar sauce label below I said, "Wow an original family recipe, how nice". I imagined a grandma somewhere making this tartar sauce by hand for her family much like my grandmother made oatmeal cookies for me. 

The further I read the label the more I began to see ingredients like high fructose corn syrup, xanthan gum, sodium benzoate, and potassium sorbate. Wow! Grandma must have been a bath tub chemist as well as a cook. 

I wonder if ole granny ever tried her hand at making meth. If she was able to come up with those chemicals for the tartar sauce why couldn't she come up with the chemicals to make meth? 

Here's that label I was telling you about.

I know what you are thinking and stop it right now! I am not advocating meth making or use. I am making a point here. There is no way that this is the original family recipe. We need that truth in advertising lecture again. Where's the truth? Culver dudes, why not print something like this, "Family Recipe Tartar Sauce based on Granny's Original Recipe" or "Not Quite Granny's Recipe But Still Good". Yeah the titles are a little longer but they are more truthful. 

I did find some real ingredients in the tartar sauce like, egg yolks, vinegar, salt, onion, red bell pepper, and green olives. I do believe granny could have used all of these things to make her sauce. Either way the tartar sauce is still okay.

By the way I do recommend Culver's pot roast sandwich with a side order of barbecue sauce, just don't read the label, eat it and enjoy.


Photo of tartar sauce: By me 

Images: Yahoo Images

Two thumbs up for Culver's

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