Monday, May 21, 2012

Cheaters Sometimes Prosper

Hi IRS, this is Leon. I hope you are having a good day. Try to look at what I am going to say in a logical manner, don't get mad and audit me. Well after seeing the video from channel 13 I would like to tell you, IRS I am less that pleased with your handling of the distribution of tax refund checks to illegal aliens.

13 Investigates: IRS tax loophole: Eyewitness News shows a massive tax loophole that provides billions of dollars in tax credits to undocumented workers and, in many cases, people who have never set foot in the United States. Thank you channel 13!

To see why I am unhappy click that link below. IRS employees feel free to do the same thing. Please don't shoot the messenger (me). This is a time for reflection.

Below is a letter written to a Michigan Congressman, Fred Upton that was forwarded to me.

Mr. Upton, et al,

I have a question. It's a simple question, one YOU can answer. And I DO want an answer.

Why are illegal aliens (they are NOT undocumented workers except in "Liberalese") getting the Additional Child Credit for children they don't have, and don't live in the United States? It amounts to 4.2 Billion dollars a year which comes out of MY taxes.

The IRS knows about it. Why don't you? They know it's fraudulent, why don't you? And if you know about it, why haven't you done something about it?

Here's the link to the News 13 WTHR newscast about the IRS "Loophole":

You can find Part 2 to the story just below the video for part 1.

The IRS says they can't do anything about it unless they get congressional approval. Well? What are you waiting for? 

Do the right thing.  This is something that we as a country cannot afford and we, the people, will not tolerate it!

John C. Thorpe
Registered and active voter

Kudos to Mr. Thorpe for not accepting the status quo.

Now I am amazed that the IRS is not willing to do something about the $4.2 billion refund scam that illegal aliens are pulling but they are more than happy to go after preachers for giving sermons on political issues in order to take away their tax-exempt status.  

There are at least two dozen groups under fire right now from the IRS. Groups like the Tea Party in an attempt to silence them and revoke their rights to free speech. Now if the IRS has time and money to do this then why don't they have time to close that $4.2 billion loophole? 

Hey IRS, I found you a new theme song.

"If freedom of speech is taken away then dumb and silent we may be led, like sheep to the slaughter."

-- George Washington

Leon, for free speech and reducing government waste  

Images: Yahoo Images

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