Thursday, March 29, 2012

Granny Get Yur Gun

Here are two reasons to protect the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution. If these good folks didn't have handguns with them at the time of the incidents we may have read about the assault or murder of the two elder gents. If the citizens aren't allowed to arm themselves the criminals still will.

Any politician against the right to bear arms is against you. The police can't be everywhere. Just ask Granny Clampett she knows.


Images: Yahoo Images

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Presidential Tee Shirts

Here is what I think the following Presidents should put on tee shirts and wear.

President Clinton, "Life's to short, just inhale."

President Nixon, "Who says crime doesn't pay?"

President Bush, "Don't mess with Texas! Saddam!"

                            President Obama, "Oh yeah, I did."


Monday, March 26, 2012

Who Is the Dictator in Your Neighborhood?

One of the men below has his true identity hidden in this doctored photo. Can you tell who the real dictator is?

 Is it Jimmy Fallon? Maybe it is Fred Armisen. Look closely at that photo above again.

 Is Grouch our man or has Hitler arose from the dead?

Is Eugene Levy the mystery dictator? Just maybe it's our own President. No way! The President has to swear an oath to uphold the Constitution. My guess is that it is Armisen portraying the President portraying a naughty dictator. Hey, it's just my guess.

I guess we will never know. Keep thinking America.


Friday, March 23, 2012

What if Bin Laden Could Do It All Over Again?

Bin Laden

"Hi, infidels. Here is my top 10 list of things I would have done differently if I could."

10 Things Bin Laden Should Have Done Differently

10. Invested in his own drone technology
9.   Had Michael Moore film a documentary about him (Bin Laden and Me)
8.   Visited Bush in Crawford, Texas but not go hunting with Dick Cheney
7.   Started guns for drugs program for Afghani youth
6.   He should have hid in Detroit because no one would want to look for anyone there
5.   Created a designer Turban and shoe company (Air Laden’s)
4.   Did a “Got terrorism?” commercial
3.   Started a heavy metal band to spread his message and go on tour with Ozzy
2.   Visited Disney World and rode the It’s a Small World ride to get a better world                 
1.   Branded the, “Death to America” slogan and put it on tee-shirts

Bin Laden at a GOP fund raiser for Bush's re-election campaign

Leon, "Bin Laden, no soup for you!"

Thursday, March 22, 2012

What Are They Saying?

Obama celebrating his own greatness. Mount Rushmore here he comes.

"I would like to propose a toast to me, the best dictator in the world. Now raise your glasses or I will raise your taxes."

Rod Blagojevich ex-governor and future inmate. 

"I still can't believe that I got caught. I didn't think the FBI was that smart. I just hope they have concierge service in prison, if not that's going to be a bummer."

Obama's answer to a child's question at read time.

"Yes Bobby it does form a Y. No, I am not sure why people voted for me in the first place. It must be my good looks and charm it surely can't be based on my record. Booby is your daddy a Republican?"

Hamid Karzai addressing the locals.

"Yes you, the opium farmer from Kanadhar. Don't forget who really supports you. I want my cut by next Tuesday."

 Obama in his new role.

"Not only am I a great dictator but I am an American hero, just ask me."


Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Hey, He Finally Found Something That He Can Do Right

Apparently there are two things Obama can do right. The first thing Obama can do right is consume alcohol. The second thing Mr. President can do right is pick the NCAA basketball tournament brackets. Who would have thunk it? Does that beer look natural in his hand or is it just me. Maybe he should stick to what he knows best and leave running the country to a trained professional if there is one out there. Anyone, anyone, I thought so. To see Obama's handwork with the brackets click that link below:


Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Could You Please Use Your Brain?

Once again people really don't understand the true problem. Guns in America is not the problem, guns in the wrong people's hands is the true problem. Men like Eric Holder want to take guns away from law abiding citizens. People like Obama want a gun free America so they can do as they please without any chance of the citizens standing up against them. We must never under any circumstances allow the government to take away the 2nd Amendment (Or any other Amendment) from us. Read the article below:

Instead of giving young men hope in the crime ridden streets of our ghettos in America politicians come up with let's brain-wash the public about how bad guns are and then maybe they will stop killing each other. I have another approach why not mentor and train these underprivileged youth and teach them a skill or teach them how to run a small business in their community. You don't very often see business men shoot at each other on Wall Street (Well not physically)

I happen to like my rights. I don't like it when the government takes away my rights for my own good. They can't even keep their own houses in order and then they want to try and keep mine in order. No way!

Well to help people see my point about gun ownership I decided to write a poem (Hope it brain washes you)

I like guns, how about you?
Free men need more, not just a few
A plan to ban a right is what tyrants do
Taking the privilege away from me and you

Arm the Iraqis and Afghans too
But no guns for the people of the red, white, and blue
Evil men hide and scheme
Remember November, Let's change this regime

When government controls the citizens rights
The people cringe with fear through out the nights
When the government takes all the power
Liberty will be lost within the hour

Guns don't kill people, bad people do
So why should they be kept from good folks like me and you
Guns are power in the common man's hands
Guns keep at bay evil men's plans

The 2nd Amendment says we have the right
To protect ourselves in case of fight
To use a gun to save the day
And keep the bad guys far at bay

America stop electing those that hate the rules
Our Founders fought and paid some terrible dues
To protect our freedom and liberties
From men that would rule men through tyrannies

If you don't care about the Amendments of the Constitution
Soon you will sign up for their foolish revolution
Where America becomes a socialist wasteland
A place where liberty and freedom die hand in hand

We only have our selves to blame
Because we didn't study their game
Americans wake up from your slumber
Before it's too late and they put us under

This has been a public service presented by
Leon "Captain Freedom"

P.S. for a deep down clean brain washing I recommend Tide Plus a touch of Downy. It gets your brain squeaky clean and you won't have any static cling either.  

Monday, March 19, 2012

Goldman Sacks

The article below still shows that Goldman Sachs thinks that it is above the law. When insiders start to come forward with accusations about fair play it is time to listen. This time Goldman isn't under fire from some phony baloney government inquiry it is under fire from one of it's own. Click the link:

I applaud Mr. Smith for doing the right thing. The love of money has ruined a great number of people and companies over the past decade in America.

Excerpt taken from the article: The bank paid $550 million in 2010 to settle civil charges that it misled investors while selling them investments in the U.S. housing market as the bubble burst — even as Goldman reaped hundreds of millions from its own bets against housing.

Does the above paragraph say all that it needs to say about ethics at Goldman? Hey Goldman I have some field stones that I am trying to unload maybe your firm could contact me and we could sell them as magic money stones. (Guaranteed to bring in 20% return on our investment) I heard that my stones even help house plants grow. Every household in America will want one. If you are interested in the business proposition leave me a comment on the blog and I will get back to you.

Just so you know their is a limited quantity (Unlike the bad mortgages) so find those suckers, er I mean investors right away. Mr. Greg Smith I have selected you as an America Hero Capitalist. Job well done.


"The Fair Capitalist Dude"

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Happy St. Patty's Day To Ya!

May your shillelagh stay firm and true and your gold never tarnish.

Brought you by the Local 3 7/8 Leprechaun Union and

Leon now go have some corn beef and hash.

Are you still here? Off with ye!

Images: Yahoo Images and The Craig Ferguson Show

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dead Guys Please Apply, We Need Your Support

The article below clearly shows why voters need to be IDed before voting. We must protect the sanctity of the vote by enforcing a one person, one vote rule. (Except in Chicago where the dead can vote if they are well enough to make it to the ballot box) I can't believe that the Department of Justice (Injustice or Convenient Justice) would stop states from protecting elections from fraud like they are trying to do to Texas. (In whose favor does this work? Hmmmmmm)

I know for sure this stuff happens. In Texas I had a brother in law that would vote as many as eight or nine times in elections. Are we barbarians or civilized barbarians in this land? Let's stop or slow the corruption, tell your Senators enough is enough! We want voter fraud to end and we want the dead to rest, stop waking them up to vote. (Except in Chicago where the dead know they have to vote no matter what)

Leon "A One Vote Man"

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

What is this Guy Thinking?

Obama thinking about the new flag design for his new dictatorship

"Well the red is OK but that white and blue have to go. Should I have the hammer and sickle together or should I have them separated. Oh yes the stars will have to go too because they represent the states power. Remaking a country is a tough task to do."


Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What Are They Saying? #2

Rick Santorum checking the polls.

"Am I winning yet? Maybe I should tell the voters a story. Voters like stories."

Obama talking about the Keystone pipeline.

 "Let me just shoot that pipeline down for my buddy in Omaha. He wouldn't like it at all would he precious? Not at all. Pipelines is nasty."


High gas prices brought to you from the same bunch in Washington that like socialism, big government, and long walks on the beach.

Rick Santorum's reaction to finally winning a primary.

"I did what? I won? I am so happy let's all go to Disney World."


Monday, March 12, 2012

What Are They Saying


Al Sharpton

"Why didn't anyone tell me there wasn't anymore Diet Coke!"   

Warren Buffett

"Sorry Al, I got my Coke. Just one advantage of being in the 1%."


"Why yes that is the U.S. Constitution under my foot. Why do you ask?"


Friday, March 9, 2012

Bold to Say the Least

Well the tag on these pants clearly shows men how not to ruin their pants by washing them. Men are always being accused of not knowing how to do laundry and finally a retailer Madhouse shows men how to have their clothes cleaned perfectly every time.  Ladies try to look at this from the right perspective.

Just so everyone knows I do laundry sometimes and I don't require my wife to do that. I have a leg up on the rest of us males I used to own a laundromat. So ladies save the hate comments. Sometimes men are just pigs and proud of it.


Thursday, March 8, 2012

This is What We Have Become

The story below clearly exposes the dangers of entitlement programs and how it effects people's thinking behavior. People today in this country are suffering from youowemestuff disease. This is an American disease that is spread by the socialism bug. This 24 year old woman won the state lottery and continued to use food stamps because she felt she deserves it. No guilt, no shame, no shelf respect, or regard for fellow Michiganders. I going to take it because I can. "Yes She Can" is her motto. (Hey, Obama I guess this girl will vote for you in the fall election) Thanks to all of you that don't support welfare reform, your drone has learned well and is taking advantage of the system much like the 1% at the top do with their tax loop holes. (Is it any wonder that America is broke?)

Top to bottom the whole system needs revamping both for the wealthy and the poor. Help eradicate the socialism bug! Vote right. Any time a candidate wants to expand government tell em no way, vote against them until the knuckleheads get the message everyone needs to chip in to make America the best place on earth to live in. The smaller the government is the better off everyone will be.


Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I am just so glad to see a warning label for moving things that are too heavy or awkward to move. Now the circle of warning labels is almost complete. (read below to find out what I mean) Please dear readers take a look at that list (click the link) below and tell me would you ever try moving any of those items by yourself. When I opened the link I was hoping for something useful like how not to lift boxes and crates maybe even a how to guide for dolly use on that hard to move item but what I got from this was nothing. Only a moron would try to move these items by themselves.

After looking the article over a second time I decided it was not complete. I would like to add a few items to the list for my readers not to move by themselves either, I don't want you to get hurt so pay attention. Drum roll please.................................

 Don't lift a home unless you are a big bank, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. (It is OK if you are Goldman Sachs though)

Don't try and lift a space shuttle since the program has been grounded. Way to go Obama!

Never attempt a clean and jerk on a 757. (Side note: Never take a knife to fight a guy with a .357 either, just saying)  Don't let the photo fool you they are bigger than they look.

Don't try to lift the Big House. It's just plain heavy just ask the people in "Ohio" they know. Go Blue!

And the last item you should never attempt to lift by yourself is the Death Star, just blow it up. Need help on blowing the Death Star up just dial 1-800-ASK-LUKE.

P.S. Sorry Vader,


Friday, March 2, 2012

Taking Some Responsibility

Finally someone stands up and takes some responsibility for their own life and let's us know that. How many times do we see CEO's (Or politicians) blame their company's poor performance on the economy, commodity prices, or stiff competition? Excuses,excuses,excuses! I know I get tired of all the excuses from our leaders. Well here is someone not afraid to take charge of her situation and  proudly display her role in her own life. Below is the electronic signature from an e-mail she sent me.

Nancy L. Jager
CEO of My Own Life

That signature says it all. Take some responsibility for your actions, make something happen stop sitting on the park bench watching the bag ladies go by. Invent something, write something, produce something, just don't screw something  up (congress) and leave it for the next guy to fix. Be the CEO of your own life.

CEO of My Own Life is a trademark of Nancy Jager Inc. and any use of CEO of My Own Life and it's properties is subject to the trademark laws in Denmark, Ethiopia, and Uzbekistan.

Leon "CEO in training"

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Fool Me Once I'm the Fool.......

The receipt of the wealthly man leaving the 1% tip was a hoax. I admit I was taken in by it too. It made me angry that someone affluent would treat someone underneath them with such disrespect.

This is an awesome example of why we should not be like the lemming.
For those of you that don't know what a lemming is click here:

This was a very deceptive prank but just image how many things we hear or read every day that are tainted with untruth. Some of our trusted media companies are doing the same thing but they call it news you can trust. (Didn't the devil tell Eve the same thing?) Don't be a dummy read the news from multiple sources so you can get different angles or not. (If you want to remain dumb by all means wear your underwear on your heads and pledge allegiance to your houseplants)

To see the real receipt click here:

Leon, "The Fooled Fool"