Friday, March 2, 2012

Taking Some Responsibility

Finally someone stands up and takes some responsibility for their own life and let's us know that. How many times do we see CEO's (Or politicians) blame their company's poor performance on the economy, commodity prices, or stiff competition? Excuses,excuses,excuses! I know I get tired of all the excuses from our leaders. Well here is someone not afraid to take charge of her situation and  proudly display her role in her own life. Below is the electronic signature from an e-mail she sent me.

Nancy L. Jager
CEO of My Own Life

That signature says it all. Take some responsibility for your actions, make something happen stop sitting on the park bench watching the bag ladies go by. Invent something, write something, produce something, just don't screw something  up (congress) and leave it for the next guy to fix. Be the CEO of your own life.

CEO of My Own Life is a trademark of Nancy Jager Inc. and any use of CEO of My Own Life and it's properties is subject to the trademark laws in Denmark, Ethiopia, and Uzbekistan.

Leon "CEO in training"

1 comment:

  1. Hello Leon, yes it is true. I have taken responsibility for my own life. I OWN it. I am now a CEO of my own life. If I make a mistake, I OWN it. If you make a mistake "you own it". But, I own my title. You can be like Leon: "CEO in training, however". Happy trails and toodles!!! Nancy:)


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