Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I am just so glad to see a warning label for moving things that are too heavy or awkward to move. Now the circle of warning labels is almost complete. (read below to find out what I mean) Please dear readers take a look at that list (click the link) below and tell me would you ever try moving any of those items by yourself. When I opened the link I was hoping for something useful like how not to lift boxes and crates maybe even a how to guide for dolly use on that hard to move item but what I got from this was nothing. Only a moron would try to move these items by themselves.

After looking the article over a second time I decided it was not complete. I would like to add a few items to the list for my readers not to move by themselves either, I don't want you to get hurt so pay attention. Drum roll please.................................

 Don't lift a home unless you are a big bank, Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac. (It is OK if you are Goldman Sachs though)

Don't try and lift a space shuttle since the program has been grounded. Way to go Obama!

Never attempt a clean and jerk on a 757. (Side note: Never take a knife to fight a guy with a .357 either, just saying)  Don't let the photo fool you they are bigger than they look.

Don't try to lift the Big House. It's just plain heavy just ask the people in "Ohio" they know. Go Blue!

And the last item you should never attempt to lift by yourself is the Death Star, just blow it up. Need help on blowing the Death Star up just dial 1-800-ASK-LUKE.

P.S. Sorry Vader,


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