Thursday, March 15, 2012

Dead Guys Please Apply, We Need Your Support

The article below clearly shows why voters need to be IDed before voting. We must protect the sanctity of the vote by enforcing a one person, one vote rule. (Except in Chicago where the dead can vote if they are well enough to make it to the ballot box) I can't believe that the Department of Justice (Injustice or Convenient Justice) would stop states from protecting elections from fraud like they are trying to do to Texas. (In whose favor does this work? Hmmmmmm)

I know for sure this stuff happens. In Texas I had a brother in law that would vote as many as eight or nine times in elections. Are we barbarians or civilized barbarians in this land? Let's stop or slow the corruption, tell your Senators enough is enough! We want voter fraud to end and we want the dead to rest, stop waking them up to vote. (Except in Chicago where the dead know they have to vote no matter what)

Leon "A One Vote Man"

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