Thursday, March 8, 2012

This is What We Have Become

The story below clearly exposes the dangers of entitlement programs and how it effects people's thinking behavior. People today in this country are suffering from youowemestuff disease. This is an American disease that is spread by the socialism bug. This 24 year old woman won the state lottery and continued to use food stamps because she felt she deserves it. No guilt, no shame, no shelf respect, or regard for fellow Michiganders. I going to take it because I can. "Yes She Can" is her motto. (Hey, Obama I guess this girl will vote for you in the fall election) Thanks to all of you that don't support welfare reform, your drone has learned well and is taking advantage of the system much like the 1% at the top do with their tax loop holes. (Is it any wonder that America is broke?)

Top to bottom the whole system needs revamping both for the wealthy and the poor. Help eradicate the socialism bug! Vote right. Any time a candidate wants to expand government tell em no way, vote against them until the knuckleheads get the message everyone needs to chip in to make America the best place on earth to live in. The smaller the government is the better off everyone will be.


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