Monday, March 19, 2012

Goldman Sacks

The article below still shows that Goldman Sachs thinks that it is above the law. When insiders start to come forward with accusations about fair play it is time to listen. This time Goldman isn't under fire from some phony baloney government inquiry it is under fire from one of it's own. Click the link:

I applaud Mr. Smith for doing the right thing. The love of money has ruined a great number of people and companies over the past decade in America.

Excerpt taken from the article: The bank paid $550 million in 2010 to settle civil charges that it misled investors while selling them investments in the U.S. housing market as the bubble burst — even as Goldman reaped hundreds of millions from its own bets against housing.

Does the above paragraph say all that it needs to say about ethics at Goldman? Hey Goldman I have some field stones that I am trying to unload maybe your firm could contact me and we could sell them as magic money stones. (Guaranteed to bring in 20% return on our investment) I heard that my stones even help house plants grow. Every household in America will want one. If you are interested in the business proposition leave me a comment on the blog and I will get back to you.

Just so you know their is a limited quantity (Unlike the bad mortgages) so find those suckers, er I mean investors right away. Mr. Greg Smith I have selected you as an America Hero Capitalist. Job well done.


"The Fair Capitalist Dude"

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