Friday, January 27, 2012

Do You Hear Bo?

Sorry about Friday. I was down with a back ache. Well I am back and Sparty ain't going to like it.

Brady Hoke

It is refreshing to see a man, a college football coach stand up and do the right thing today. In the last decade we have seen both coaches and schools fail to live up to the high standards that made NCAA football special. Well Brady Hoke keeps proving that you can win and maintain the school integrity at the same time.
A Michigan man will coach Michigan.”
Bo Schembechler
For years Michigan football had been known for it's squeaky clean program. It started with the discipline established by Bo Schembechler. Ex players will tell you he knew everything that you were doing on campus, so you had better not mess up or you weren't going to play for Big Blue.

Well just in the last week a young man learned a hard lesson about integrity when he tweeted some stupid things. It not only cost him his integrity but it also cost him a scholarship and the chance to play in the Big House on Saturdays.

Here is an example of what I mean about integrity. Mark Dantonio the coach for the Spartans(Boooooooo!) constantly proves that everything is about winning at State no matter how it is done. First with allowing the team to make the decision whether or not to allow Chris Rucker to play in a pivotal game in 2010 against Iowa, Secondly for defending Tressel who lied about the tattoo gate, and thirdly for not suspending William Golshton for the transgressions that he committed against the Wolverines and Denard Robinson.

You can watch Golshton's handiwork by clicking this link (Sparty fans just ignore that link, your coach would):

I wonder if all these transgressions of Dantonio would be allowed to continue if State was losing games? And now he cuts off a Michigan coach at a coaches convention. Getting nervous Dantonio? Afraid you're losing the edge in this state? Finally U of M has a coach with a bad disposition toward your school and that school down in Ohio (Maybe you need some Pepto Bismol).

Feels like the winds of change are blowing (And Sparty don't like it!) and the wind is blowing east toward Ann Arbor. From me to you Dantonio keep winning the way you know how and U of M will win the way we know how with integrity.
Click the link here to see Dantonio in action:|mostview

See you in your next (Book 'em Brady) fall Dantonio (2012) at the Big House.

Leon "The Great Blue One"

Got M?

Brady Image from:
Other images from: Yahoo Images

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