Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wayward Warren

I used to be a big fan of Warren Buffet and all that he has accomplished in life. I believed that he was a capitalist. By and far he is the best investor the world has ever seen, but I no longer am a fan, I am kinda ticked off at his political philandering. He is too buddy, buddy with President Obama for me liking. Any business man that gets this close to Washington means that we got a fox in the hen house. What does he have to gain by this? What about that crony capitalism huh, Obama?

Warren Buffet                                                 Jimmy Buffet

For those of you who do not know who Warren (Not Jimmy Buffet) is let me introduce you to him. Readers Warren is the fellow who formed Berkshire Hathaway Inc. a multi-billion dollar empire of diverse businesses through the use of capitalistic techniques. In his portfolio he has GEICO insurance, Forest River RV manufacturing,  Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC and many other businesses which he acquired through capitalism not socialism. (Feel free to play the old Soviet Union national anthem here)

Now Captain Capilist the "Oracle of Omaha" is rubbing shoulders way too much with Obama. (The anticapitalist) Mr. Buffet complains about his tax rate being lower than what his secretary pays and that the wealthy should pay more.(Why, so the blockheads in Washington can spend more?) What I find interesting is why he didn't make these statements years ago. Why didn't he say this in the Reagan years, or when Clinton was the President. Oh, Mr. Buffet, you sir have strayed from your roots.

I would like to thank you Mr. Buffet because I think you helped me invent a new word today. The new word is Sapilist. I combined socialism + capitalism because I think that's what you believe now. (Notice the root word is sap) I am disappointed in you. Let's see if the next generation produces another Warren Buffet with the way we are headed toward the old Soviet style of government.

Well I have some advice for you Mr. Buffet if you don't believe you are being taxed enough then let the Federal government nationalize Berkshire Hathaway (You can be the Czar, Obama likes czars). Let's take all the profits that your company generates and give them to the poor. Would you be willing to do that big guy? (I hardly doubt it) 

Below are three articles to check out. You the reader form your own opinion of Mr. Buffet. Above is mine and I am sticking to it, sorry Warren.

Leon, a true capitalist

Images by: Yahoo images

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