Monday, January 2, 2012

Supreme Blogger

Dear readers,

I was wondering since North Korea has named Kim Jong Un as their Supreme Commander, this is kinda awkward but would you guys mind declaring me the Supreme Blogger? It's OK if you don't want you. I understand.

  Don't you just love that face?

Now unlike many people that are called supreme this or supreme that, I won't be mean to you. I want to be known as the nice Supreme Blogger. I won't ask you to erect a statue in my honor (unless you want to), nor will I ration blogs. I want to be a little like Saddam Hussein said he was, "Firm but Fair". What more could you ask for in a leader?

Doesn't he look like a fair guy?

I also won't be planning a calendar, unless of course you the readers request it.

  I don't read Korean but I am pretty sure the title of this calendar reads, "My Dad and Me, a Dictator's Summer Vacation with his Son in a Socialist Wonderland." I wonder if they ever made it to Tokyo Disneyland together?

I will be awaiting your answer,

Leon "The would be Supreme Blogger"

Images by: Yahoo! News

1 comment:

I am not in right now but if you leave a comment I just might respond.