Monday, January 9, 2012

Let's Get Ready to Rumble

The Iranian navy has test fired a surface to surface cruise missile and now they claim that they are in complete control of the Straight of Hormuz. I personally believe the only thing that they are in control of is madness. I am not sure of how many Americans know where Iran is located, so I provided this map (It's located between two war zones one called Iraq and the other named Afghanistan, you may have heard of them)

One missile, come boys you will have to do better than that! American citizens set off more explosives (Most are illegal by the way) on the 4th of July than Iran has through all of it's existence. Playing with fire is a sure fire way to get burned (pun intended).

Image Detail

I wonder if Mahmoud Ahmadinejad remembers a guy named Ronald Reagan and Operation Praying Mantis back in 1988.

It was a bad day for the Iranian military. It was sort of like the Detroit Lions season of 2008 (0-16) for the Iranians. The U.S. Navy is even more capable of delivering much more destruction today than it did back in 1988. I hope those Iranian sailors know how to swim.

See full article:

I bet that building below is a library, what do you think?

 What would cause a nation like Iran to start a fight with the 800 pound gorilla (America)? Could their leaders be angry because they don't have a Disneyland? Maybe they are mad because Jerry Springer (Jerry, Jerry, Jerry!) won't do a live show in downtown Tehran.  I am not sure, but I don't think this scenario pans well for the little guy (Iran) or oil prices. I guess we will have to wait and see when David and Goliath meet.

To read more about how two kids that can't play in the sand box click here.

Thanks to: ,

Yahoo Images and angry Iranian leaders,


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