Saturday, January 14, 2012

What's There to Do With That Hairdo?

Well, my revealing this article below to you readers shows I will read just about anything.

After reading the article and learning more about what a woman's hair is telling us men than I cared to learn.  I decided to pick some celebrity mug shots and tell you what I think their mug shots are telling me.

 "I am confident and incarcerated."

 "Do I look like a killer?"

 "Ha, I don't feel good! I'm jailed in America."

 "Boy, that was one tough girl!"

"I may have killed them, just a little bit."

 "So what if I done it!"

Images by: Yahoo Images

Special thanks to the celebrities and police that made this blog possible. Keep up the good work. I am talking to law enforcement not you celebrities.


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