Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Wheel of Drunkards

Apparently letters weren't the only thing being turned over on Wheel of Fortune back in the day so were margarita glasses.


I guess Pat and Vanna can thank God for video editing. I can see it now (Unedited version) Pat looks at Vanna or both of the Vannas and says, "Vanna can you show us a K?" Vanna stumbles over to where the K is lit and then turns back towards Pat, giggles, and says, " I'd loved to show you the, the, the J if I knew, knew where is was."

My advice to you Pat somethings are better kept secret big guy. Like the time I, wait a minute. (That story is between me and the fence post, and I am pretty sure the fence post ain't telling and neither am I)

And the 18,000th margarita

I did wonder how anyone could smile as much as Vanna does (Doesn't seem natural). I guess we know her secret now. By the way was margarita ever a puzzle? If anyone knows please provide us with a comment.


Images: Yahoo Images

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