Tuesday, April 24, 2012

10 Things to Never Put on Your Resume

As I was perusing the Internet one night I came across this article:

10 Things to Never Put on Your Resume

Being the inquisitive person that I am, I thought I would read this article to see if there was anything I could glean from this piece for future reference. Well I was disappointed again by how people just throw things together for the sake of a deadline. If you look at that list below I think you would be prone to ask who in their right mind would do some of these things.

Maybe this article was intended for Charles Manson?                   

Excerpt from the article: For job seekers, the resume may be the most important document they need. After all, what's on that simple piece of paper can mean the difference between landing an interview and landing in the circular file. (True but is that really informative? I think most of us seeking employment know this)

While most job seekers concentrate on what theyshould include on their resume, few pay attention to what they shouldn't include. This article explores 10 things you should never put on your resume. (Reading this part got my attention)

A crazy objective

So you want to be the next Bill Gates. Terrific! And you may even have the chops to make it happen. But please don't put it in your objective statement. Outlandish, overconfident, or "out there" objective statements almost always ensure that the rest of your resume isn't read.

Irrelevant job experience

Sure, the summer after freshman year you spent as Harry's Hot Dog Hut mascot was the best ever. But unless you're applying to wear the Gorilla suit for the Phoenix Suns, leave it out.

Achievements that aren’t achievements

Being nominated prom queen is not an achievement. Nor is belonging to a sorority or fraternity. And that award you won in a competitive eating contest? That's right--not an achievement. Stick to professional and community service awards only.

Physical characteristics

Hiring managers don't care if you have "ripped abs" or "a smokin' bod," so please don't describe yourself that way. In addition, pictures should never be included with your resume unless you are an actor or model.

Strange hobbies

It's fine to include a hobby or interest or two, as long as they aren't the type to raise eyebrows. Avoid listing hobbies such as "knitting sweaters for my 12 cats," and "twisting balloons into animal shapes." Stick to less detailed and more generic hobbies, like "reading," "gardening," "mountain biking" and "playing tennis." And keep them to a minimum.

Private matters

Sexual orientation, religious and political affiliations, marital status, age, and whether you have children should not be included on your resume. Some of these things are controversial and/or irrelevant, while others may unwittingly influence the hiring manager. Leave them out.

Bad grammar and obscure words

Describing yourself as a "Verry detail oriented multi-taster" is likely to get no other response than, "Yeah, right" before it's passed around the HR department for laughs--and then tossed. And don't try to impress with big words. No one needs to know you are endowed with "sophrosyne," when "good sense" will do.

Unprofessional contact information

If your email address iscrazybeerdrinker@dummy.com, don't include it on your resume. Email addresses are free and most accounts allow you to get several, so either get a new, professional address or delete it from your resume.

Personal information

Your resume is no place for your social security number or other sensitive information. There's no guarantee that your resume will be kept in a safe, secure place, so don't include anything that could be stolen or used in identity theft.

Attention-getting tactics

Adding non-traditional elements to your resume will make it stand out--but not in a good way. Different font types and ink colors, glitter and other adornments, and brightly colored or perfumed paper--yes, every hiring manager has seen at least a few of these memorable tactics--are all no-nos.


Now in true Leon form, I put together my list of ten things that I think you should never put on a resume, and here they are:

10. Food or beverage stains

9.  Girl friend’s phone number

8.  If you are a serial killer or not (Better for them to find out when it is too late)

7. Nazi affiliations (Put a wig on that shaved head)

6. Your preference between boxers or briefs

5. That you hate your father (Or that he is Darth Vader)

4. That you some times day dream about being a pirate (Unless you want to work for a bank or Goldman Sachs)

3. That you inhaled (Unless you are running for President)

2. Someone else’s name (Never let your split personality answer the questions)

1. That you have super powers that make you invincible (That only works for people in government)

I know that the list I created is ridiculous but I specialize in being ridiculous. I just wish someone would pay

me for my talents. Good thing I work cheap I only get paid if you click the ads in my blog. Too bad some of

the people writing articles on the Internet don’t get paid per click because if they did they might have

to quit their day jobs. Better brush off that ole resume!

Article: Salary.com


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