Monday, April 9, 2012

Mayor, Mayor on the Wall, Who Has the Biggest Mouth of All?

Marion Barry is in the spotlight once again. Please read these comments America, then tell me how do we keep electing guys like this to represent us. My comments are in red and I take full responsibility for them.

Ward 8 D.C. Councilman Marion Barry said Thursday that he was not trying to insult the city's Asian community during remarks at a campaign event this week. (Then what was he trying to do?)
“We got to do something about these Asians coming in and opening up businesses and dirty shops,” Barry said in remarks on Tuesday night first reported by WRC-TV. (Hey Jesse Jackson where are you? The rainbow is looking darker these days) “They ought to go. I’m going to say that right now. But we need African-American businesspeople to be able to take their places, too.” (Why, aren't Asians productive?)"I'm not ever going to condemn a group of people," (Sorry you just did) Barry told reporters gathered in his Wilson Building office Thursday. "My history is complete. It's an excellent history with the Asian community." (As long as they don't live in his neighborhood)
Barry said his criticisms of Asian businesses in his Southeast Washington ward were rooted in what he perceives as disengagement in the community by those companies. (If you don't like Asian food don't eat it. I don't like cauliflower so I don't eat it however I never asked it to leave the vegetable category)
"I'm not going to allow a group of people to exploit people in Ward 8," Barry said. (Unless it is his people, right?)
He said he wants Asian businesses to operate in the area but he wants them to "come right."

Susan Au Allen, the president of the U.S. Pan Asian American Chamber of Commerce, said Barry’s comments concerned her.

“It’s regrettably inappropriate. I’m hoping he misspoke,” (Richard Pryor used to say that his pipe talked to him, hmmmm.) Allen said in an interview with The Washington Examiner. “We should be keeping our focus on how to make life better for everybody.”

Allen, who was a member of the city’s Minority Business Opportunity Commission while Barry was mayor, said Asians had sensed opportunity in Ward 8 when they chose to open their businesses.

“The Asian businesses are there because they see a place where there’s a need. They went in there to meet the demand,” Allen said. “They’re there to serve the needs of the residents.” (Right on sister) Roger Campos, the president and CEO of the Washington-based Minority Business Roundtable, said Barry’s comments were disrespectful to minorities beyond the city’s Asian-American community.

“That is totally insensitive. It’s kind of interesting because Asians and Hispanics are fueling the economy in business growth, and we ought to be inclusive of all minority groups, not just one,” Campos said. “He’s got one insensitive focus, and that’s on African-Americans solely and no other groups.” (No American dream for the Asians. Doesn't sound too fair Americans, does it?)Barry didn’t exactly have his fellow D.C. Council members lining up to support him.

“I strongly disagree with the recent remarks made about Asian American business owners in the District,” council Chairman Kwame Brown said in news release. “Statements like that are divisive, destructive, and have absolutely no place in our city.”

Ward 6 Councilman Tommy Wells took to Twitter to react.

“My colleague’s remarks about Asian businesses last night were deplorable,” Wells posted. “We are a great city, and we are a diverse city.” (So if these remarks are so deplorable then why isn't he asked to resign?)Barry, meanwhile, blamed journalists for taking his remarks out of context. (Really? I think he meant to say I am really fond of other races and I welcome them to the neighborhood just not to close)
"The media ought to apologize," Barry said. "I want an apology from you." (Well I am sorry Marion. I am sorry that you represent any district anywhere in this country)

To see the unedited version click the link:

Remember the remarks above are brought to by the same guy that was caught smoking crack on the job.

Marion caught on film smoking crack

Don't you think it is time for leaders to start being held responsible? He wasn't held responsible then and it looks like he might not be held responsible this time either. Why is he allowed to hold public office after crackgate?


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