Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Why Your Child Needs Therapy

Scared of the Easter Bunny

Some people think it is funny when children have a bad experience with Santa Claus or the Easter Bunny and here are some photos showing just that. I know it's late but happy Easter anyhow.

Little Bobby with the I had too much to drink again Bunny

Sissy and Nathan with the I just got out of a session Bunny

Little Debbie with the I eat children Bunny

I figure if the parents of these children want to take pictures of their traumatized children with these freakish bunnies why not go the extra mile and take some pictures with these guys too.......

Now if one of these fine gentlemen is not available for your photo op parents, feel free to call Freddie, I hear he is available.

Thanks to MSN for the images of the traumatized children, to see more click the link:

Images by: Yahoo Images


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