Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Capitalism at Work (Azenic)

Here is a novel idea and product that could use some help getting noticed. Dentist dudes pay attention because I am talking to you. Why do so many of you resist change?  I am glad some of you do adapt to change other wise the dental experience might be much like the pictures below.

Ancient dental drill"Say ugh!"

Thank God anesthesia has changed

Medical professionals (You know the guys that play golf on Tuesdays and Thursdays, drive sports cars and tell you not to smoke and that you need to lose weight, yes you guessed it doctors) have been using disposable surgery products for years but you fellows in the field of dentistry still use metallic hand pieces (i.e. dental drills for us not in the profession) that are cleaned and used again and again, patient after patient. After I learned about this disposable hand piece (i.e. dental drill) product and that it is used once on me and no one else I got a warm and fuzzy feeling about this new dental innovation. Thank you innovative people at Azenic.   

Learn more about these smart people and their product click here: http://azenic.com/


Images: Yahoo Images

Smart new product: Azenic

P.S. just in case you are wondering about the pink guy above, stop wondering. He is a warm and fuzzy feeling.

Disclosure: I am not a paid spokesman for Azenic. I am just exercising common sense, which by the way comes in spurts with me.


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