Thursday, August 2, 2012

What Ya Talkin about Willis?

Last Week

"That's right I want to know the poll numbers on who has better hair me or Obama. Yes, of course just poll women voters."

"What do you mean Romney has been polling women voters on who has the best hair. Yes, yes, get right on it and then get back to me. That Romney really fights dirty."

This week

"That is great 52% of the women voters like my hair over Obama's. White House here we come."

"So, we are down 4 points on the hair issue. Get a hold of Denard Robinson, You know the smiling kid from U of M. I want to find out who does his locks. I don't know if it his smile or the locks, people just like that kid. Oh by the way, I want some shoes with laces in them, yes I will keep them untied. If it works for Robinson and Michigan why won't it work for me?. With the shoes and the locks I am sure we can catch up to Romney by late October."

"Yes, the President asked me who my barber was. No, I do not have  plans of running for political office.  I am too busy running up and down the football field for Michigan."


Images: Yahoo Images

Go Blue, Go vote!

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